Amorphous Steel vs Silicon Steel: Which One Suits You Better?


Amorphous steel and silicon steel are two different materials used in various electrical applications. Understanding the differences between them is crucial for various industries. From the composition and structure to the manufacturing process and magnetic properties, this blog covers everything you need to know about amorphous steel and silicon steel. By understanding the distinctive properties and applications of these materials, you can make informed decisions on which material to use for specific projects, ultimately leading to improved efficiency and performance in their respective industries.



Amorphous steel, also known as metallic glass, has a non-crystalline atomic structure. it is made by pouring molten alloy onto a rotating cooled wheel, which cools the metal at a very high rate, preventing the formation of crystals. This lack of crystalline structure gives amorphous steel unique properties such as high strength, hardness, and corrosion resistance.

Silicon steel, also known as electrical steel or transformer steel, has a crystalline structure. It is usually formed by lamination stacks of iron-silicon alloy covered by high-temperature varnish isolation. It can exhibit excellent magnetic properties like high magnetic permeability and low core losses due to its unique crystalline atomic structure. however, the crystalline nature also divides silicon steel into two types: grain oriented silicon steel and non oriented silicon steel.

Amorphous Steel


Chemical Composition

Amorphous steel is typically composed of iron-based alloys with elements like silicon (Si), boron (B), phosphorus (P), and carbon (C). The specific structure can vary depending on the preferred buildings and application.

Elements Typical Portion
Iron (Fe) 60-80%
Boron (B) 10-20%
Silicon (Si) 5-15%
Other Components (P, C, and so on) 1-5%

Silicon steel is an iron-silicon alloy with elements like manganese, sulfur, and lightweight aluminum often included to enhance the alloy’s properties. The silicon content typically varies from 1.0% to 4.5%, which dramatically enhances its magnetic properties. Components like manganese and sulfur aid in fine-tuning the grain structure, while aluminum controls the grain size during handling.


Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process of amorphous steel is distinct from that of traditional crystalline materials like silicon steel. This difference is primarily rooted in the need to preserve a disordered atomic framework, which is particular to amorphous products.

After the raw materials are prepared, they are melted in a high-temperature furnace to create a uniform fluid alloy. This liquified alloy is after that swiftly cooled at an exceptionally high price, often exceeding a million levels Celsius per second. This fast cooling is typically achieved via a procedure called melt spinning, where the molten alloy is expelled onto a turning copper wheel, developing slim ribbons of amorphous steel.

The quick quenching prevents the atoms from organizing right into a normal crystalline structure, resulting in an amorphous or lustrous state. This lack of long-range order offers amorphous steel its one-of-a-kind buildings, such as high strength and exceptional magnetic performance.

After the quick solidification, the resultant amorphous steel ribbons are often subjected to different post-processing treatments to boost their properties. These might include annealing to alleviate interior stress and anxieties and improve magnetic features.

Steps Description
Raw Material Selection Mix of iron, boron, silicon, and phosphorus
Melting High-temperature heater to form a uniform fluid alloy
Fast Solidification Cooling down the price of over a million levels Celsius per 2nd
Thaw Spinning Molten alloy expelled onto a turning copper wheel

However, silicon steel is produced fairly traditionally. It includes several critical steps that ensure its unique properties, especially its magnetic leaks in the structure and electrical resistivity. The procedure includes:

Raw material selection — melt — cast — hot rolling — cold rolling — annealing — insulating coating — cutting and shaping


Magnetic Properties

Amorphous steel offers superior magnetic properties, including high magnetic susceptibility, very low coercivity, and high electrical resistance. It has lower losses by eddy currents when subjected to alternating magnetic fields, resulting in significantly reduced core losses in transformers compared to traditional crystalline materials.

Silicon steel has a higher saturation flux density compared to amorphous steel. However, transformers with amorphous steel cores can have core losses of one-third that of conventional electrical steels, making them more energy-efficient.

Silicon Steel Manufacturing


Electrical Properties

Amorphous steel exhibits unique electrical properties that set it apart from traditional silicon steel.

One of the most notable attributes is its high electric resistivity, typically ranging between 1.2 to 1.4 µΩ · m. This high resistivity helps in lowering eddy current losses, making it very reliable in applications where minimizing power loss is vital.

Another significant feature of amorphous steel is its reduced coercivity, normally between 0.4 and 0.8 A/m. This low coercivity converts to lower core losses during magnetization and demagnetization cycles, which is useful for transformers and inductors operating at high regularities. Additionally, amorphous steel has high magnetic leaks in the structure, permitting it to allure and demagnetize rapidly and efficiently.

Amorphous steel additionally shows outstanding hysteresis loss characteristics. The power shed during each magnetic cycle is marginally contrasted to silicon steel, making it an optimal selection for high-efficiency transformers. The B-H curve of amorphous steel is normally narrower, showing reduced power loss per cycle.

Moreover, amorphous steel’s capacity to manage greater frequencies without significant rises in core losses makes it premium for applications in modern-day power electronic devices. As an outcome, devices using amorphous steel often tend to be a lot more portable and effective, adding to general power savings and improved efficiency.

Properties Amorphous Steel Silicon Steel
Electric Resistivity ( µΩ · m) 1.2 – 1.4 0.45 – 0.6
Coercivity (A/m) 0.4 – 0.8 20 – 30
Magnetic Leaks in the structure High Modest
Hysteresis Loss Reduced Higher


Performance and Applications

Amorphous steel is known for its superior energy efficiency and reduced losses compared to silicon steel. It has become more popular in recent years due to its high permeability and lower coercive force and remanence, despite the higher material cost. For example:

1. Energy: particularly in the building of transformers and electric power circulation systems.

2. High-frequency applications: suitable for high-frequency transformers and inductors, where its ability to minimize eddy current losses causes better performance and reliability.

3. Electric Motors: Its high saturation magnetization and low hysteresis loss add to the more efficient electric motor procedure.

4. Renewable Power Solutions: find applications in wind turbine generators and solar energy inverters to improve the overall effectiveness and integrity of these systems.

5. Customer Electronic devices: used in power products and adapters aid in reducing power intake and heat generation, thus enhancing the performance and long life of digital tools.

On the contrary, silicon steel often offers a cost-effective solution with a reliable track record. It is widely used in various electrical applications, but it may have higher losses compared to amorphous steel. Below is a table summing up the key applications of silicon steel:

Applications Benefits
Power Transformers high magnetic leaks in the structure and low core loss enable efficient power makeover and minimal power dissipation
Electric Motors Its capacity to minimize eddy current losses and improve the magnetic flux makes it a perfect selection for electric motors, which depend on reliable electromagnetic fields to convert electric power into mechanical motion.
Generators Can benefit from silicon steel’s high permeability and low loss properties
Relays and Magnetic Amplifiers Precise control of electromagnetic fields
Inductors and Activators The material’s capability to handle high magnetic flux densities without substantial energy loss makes certain that these elements operate successfully.



Amorphous steel is generally more expensive to produce compared to silicon steel due to its unique manufacturing process and properties.

Silicon steel is a more cost-effective option for magnetic applications, making it a popular choice in the electrical engineering industry.


Amorphous Steel vs Silicon Steel: Which One Suits You Better?

In conclusion, the choice between amorphous steel and silicon steel depends on the specific requirements of the application. While amorphous steel shines in terms of magnetic properties and electrical conductivity, silicon steel offers a cost-effective solution with a reliable track record. Understanding the nuanced differences in key properties is essential for making informed decisions in electric motor design and transformer core applications.

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