Non Grain Oriented Electrical Steel (NGOES)


Non grain oriented electrical steel, also known as non grain oriented silicon steel, is a remarkable material that has played a vital role in shaping the field of electrical engineering and power generation. This specialized type of steel possesses unique magnetic properties that make it highly desirable for various applications in the industry. From transformers and generators to grid infrastructure and emerging technologies, non-grain-oriented electrical steel forms the backbone of our modern electrically powered world.


Overview of Non Grain Oriented Electrical Steel

Non-grain-oriented electrical steel, shorted as NGOES, is a specialized type of electrical steel that lacks the controlled grain orientation found in GOES. During its production, the steel undergoes random crystalline orientation, making it isotropic in magnetic properties. While NGOES does not offer the same level of magnetic performance as GOES in a specific direction, it compensates by demonstrating relatively uniform magnetic properties in all directions. This characteristic makes NGOES suitable for applications such as electric motors, generators, and small transformers, where magnetic flux changes direction frequently.

Non-grain-oriented electrical steel typically has a composition that includes silicon (usually 2% to 4.5%), which enhances its electrical resistance and reduces energy losses due to eddy currents.

Non Grain Oriented Electrical Steel


Manufacturing Process of Non Grain Oriented Electrical Steel

The manufacturing process of non-grain-oriented (NGO) electrical steel involves several key steps to ensure the material has the desired magnetic properties and mechanical characteristics. Here’s an overview of the process:

1. Melting and Casting

Raw Materials: The process begins with the melting of iron and alloying elements, primarily silicon (typically 0.5% to 3%).

Electric Arc Furnace: The molten metal is produced in an electric arc furnace, where the materials are melted at high temperatures.

Casting: The molten steel is then cast into slabs or billets, which are cooled and solidified.

2. Hot Rolling

Reheating: The cast slabs are reheated in a furnace to prepare them for rolling.

Hot Rolling: The slabs are hot rolled to reduce their thickness and improve their mechanical properties. This process also helps to refine the microstructure of the steel.

3. Cold Rolling

Cold Rolling: The hot-rolled steel is then cold rolled to achieve the final thickness. This process increases the strength and hardness of the steel.

Intermediate Annealing: After certain cold rolling passes, the steel may undergo intermediate annealing to relieve stresses and improve ductility.

4. Decarburization

Heat Treatment: The steel is subjected to a decarburizing heat treatment in a controlled atmosphere. This step reduces the carbon content at the surface, enhancing magnetic properties and reducing losses.

5. Final Cold Rolling

Final Thickness Adjustment: The steel is cold rolled again to achieve the desired final thickness, typically between 0.35 mm and 0.65 mm.

6. Annealing

High-temperature Annealing: The final cold-rolled steel undergoes a high-temperature annealing process. This step is crucial for optimizing the magnetic properties and ensuring uniformity in the microstructure.

Insulating Coating: An insulating coating is applied to the NGO steel to reduce eddy current losses when used in electrical applications.

7. Cutting and Slitting

Slitting: NGO steel is slit into specific shapes according to customer specifications.

Quality Control: Throughout the manufacturing process, quality control measures are implemented to ensure the steel meets specific magnetic and mechanical standards.

In a word, the manufacturing process of non-grain-oriented electrical steel is complex and requires precise control over each step to achieve the desired properties. The resulting material is essential for various applications, including electric motors, generators, and transformers, where efficient magnetic performance is critical.

Slitting and Cutting


Key Characteristics of Non Grain Oriented Electrical Steel

Non-grain-oriented (NGO) electrical steel possesses several key properties that make it suitable for various electrical applications.

1. Isotropic Magnetic Properties

NGO electrical steel exhibits uniform magnetic properties in all directions, making it versatile for applications where magnetic flux can vary in direction.

2. Low Core Loss

It has low hysteresis and eddy current losses, which contribute to higher efficiency in electrical devices. This property is crucial for reducing energy consumption in motors and transformers.

3. High Saturation Magnetization

NGO silicon steel can handle high magnetic flux densities, allowing it to perform effectively in applications requiring strong magnetic fields.

4. Good Electrical Resistivity

The addition of silicon increases the electrical resistivity of the steel, which helps to minimize eddy current losses, especially in thinner laminations.

5. Good Mechanical Strength

NGO electrical steel provides adequate mechanical strength, allowing it to withstand the stresses encountered during manufacturing and operation.

6. High Ductility

The material maintains good ductility, which is important for processing and forming during manufacturing.

7. Good Thermal Stability

NGO silicon steel exhibits stability over a range of temperatures, ensuring consistent performance in various operating conditions.

8. Thickness Variability

This steel is often available in various thicknesses (typically 0.35 mm to 0.65 mm), allowing for flexibility in design and application.

9. Various Forms

NGO electrical steel is often produced in sheets, coils, strips, wires, or laminations, which further reduces eddy current losses and enhances performance in electrical applications.



Applications of Non Grain Oriented Electrical Steel

Non-grain-oriented (NGO) electrical steel is widely used in various applications due to its favorable magnetic properties and versatility. Here are some key applications for reference:

1. Electric Motors

Induction Motors: NGO steel is commonly used in the cores of induction motors, which are prevalent in industrial and commercial applications.

Small Motors: Found in household appliances, such as fans, refrigerators, and washing machines, where efficient motor operation is essential.

Railway Traction Motors: Used in electric locomotives and trains, where high efficiency and reliability are crucial for performance.

2. Transformers

Distribution Transformers: Used in smaller transformers that step down voltage for residential and commercial use.

Power Transformers: Employed in power distribution systems, particularly in applications where space and weight are considerations.

3. Generators

Wind Turbines: NGO steel is utilized in the cores of generators in wind energy applications, contributing to efficient energy conversion.

Hydroelectric Generators: Used in hydroelectric power plants for efficient energy generation.

4. Reactors and Chokes

Electrical Reactors: Employed in electrical circuits to manage current flow and improve efficiency.

Chokes: Used in various electronic devices to filter and stabilize current.

5. Home Appliances

Refrigerators and Air Conditioners: NGO steel is used in the motors and compressors of these appliances to enhance energy efficiency.

Vacuum Cleaners: Found in the motors of vacuum cleaners, contributing to their performance.

6. Power Supply Units

Employed in transformers and inductors within power supply units for electronic devices, ensuring stable voltage and current.

Non-grain-oriented electrical steel is essential in various sectors, including industrial, commercial, and residential applications. Its isotropic magnetic properties, low core losses, and suitability for high-frequency operations make it a critical material in the design and manufacture of electric motors, transformers, generators, and other electrical devices.

NGOES Coil in Stock



Non-grain-oriented electrical steel is a crucial material in the electrical and electronics industry, providing essential magnetic properties needed for various applications where flexibility in design and performance is critical.

For buying NGO electrical steel products, come to Gnee Steel for a talk. We have been a reliable silicon steel supplier in China for more than 15 years. Committed to providing the best service at the most favorable price, our various series of silicon steel products have received wide acclaim at home and abroad. Feel free to ask us for any quotation.

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